When you use a credit card or other electronic payment, you might see a “transaction approved” notification appear as your payment goes through. Or, if you’re like me, you might not pay much attention to it unless the card reader malfunctions. We’re so accustomed to being surrounded by advanced technology that we don’t always realize the extent to which we must be “approved.” Every transaction requires verification of our identity and account information (imagine the complexity of the computer system to carry out such transactions. But in our lives there is another type of approval we need, too--personal approval. (But it’s not as easy to access as the card reader at the grocery store checkout). At a youthful age, we often question ourselves, asking: Am I worthy of acceptance? Am I good enough? Do I measure up? For a long time I sought approval from others to validate my self-worth. Then, finally, I realized I no longer needed that kind of approval. As a follower of Jesus Christ, I was accepted—“approved”—just the way I was. Yet, if there was anyone who was not accepted or approved of, it was Jesus. He did no wrong and had no sin, but was condemned, arrested, and sentenced to death. He paid the price for my Salvation—and yours—on the cross. Thankfully, Salvation is much simpler than electronic technology! God doesn’t require an affidavit to prove who you are, and you don't need to verify an account. Salvation comes by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior—and believing He died on the cross to save you from the sin of the world. Jesus accepts you just as you are—His “stamp of approval” is written across your heart. #
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