![]() The two gray squirrels chased each other up and down the pine tree, then stopped abruptly. Facing downward, they remained attached to the tree trunk, their eyes darting about; fluffy tails twitching. . I watched in amusement as the furry friends carried on with their silly antics for another five minutes. Then, the one who had initiated the chase stopped in it's tracks and began digging beneath the pine-needle covered soil. Retrieving an acorn, it sat on its hind legs, cradled the acorn in its paws and nibbled until its cheeks puffed out like a balloon. Likewise, the other squirrel searched for and found a treasured source of food. The simplicity of watching the squirrels was a needed diversion from my usual routine. Still smiling, I return to my work desk refreshed—and grateful—for the little things in my life. We may not always have squirrels lurking about, but when we take notice, we see that we are surrounded by God's creation every day. As you gather with those who are special to you on this holiday, may your heart be filled with the joy of provision. Thanks be to the Lord for all He has provided for you—including the little things. Happy Thanksgiving! <><<><<>< “Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done. Sing to him, sing praise to him, tell of all his wonderful acts. Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice, look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.” – 1 Chronicles 16:8-11 “For every beast of the forest is Mine, the cattle on a thousand hills. I know every bird of the mountains, and everything moves in the field is Mine.” – Ps. 50:10-11 “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” – Matthew 6:26 Photo courtesy of Vecteezy.com
![]() While sorting through folders on my desk as I thought about what to write, I came across an alphabetical list of words I put together months ago, describing who Jesus is to me. I hadn't posted it, so thought I'd share it with you today. As you read through the list, you might think of additional words to describe who Jesus is to you? (Feel free to share your thoughts on my Contact page). The list follows: Jesus is: A Absolute, Able, (The) Answer, Almighty, Abundant, Accepting, Anointed, Alpha & Omega, Advocate, Alive, Apostle ("sent one"), Atonement, Advent, Agape, Author of Salvation, All-Knowing, Ancient of Days, Agnus Dei, Authority, Awesome, Ascended to Heaven on the third day. B Bridegroom, Beautiful, Believing, Beheld, Beloved, Bold, Bread of Life, Branch, Blessed, Bearer, Brother, Brethren, Banner, Balm, Bearer of sin, Born of a virgin, Benevolent, Bountiful C Christ, Counselor, Cross-bearer, Comforter, Courteous, Consoling, Courageous, Caring, Caretaker, Communicator, Crucified, Confidant, Carpenter, Cleansing, Compassionate, Confiding, Considerate, Changeless, Crown of Glory, Chosen D Desire of all Nations, Destiny, Defender, Dayspring, Died for us, Deliverer, Door of the Sheep, Dwelling place, Divine, Discipleship E Engaging, Eternal, Everlasting, Emmanuel, Eminent, Extraordinary, Esteemed, Evangelist, Elect, Excellent F Fearless, Favored, Faithful, Forgiving, Foretold, Future, Friend, Freeing, Fountain of living waters, Fortress, First and last, Foundation G God’s Son, Glad, Glorious, Glorified, Good, Good Shepherd, Great, Generous, Gracious, Genuine, Governor, Gift, Guide, Guardian, Gatekeeper H Humble, Healer, Helper, Humane, Humanitarian, High priest, Holy, Honorable, Honored, Horn of salvation, Heir of all things, Hallowed, Hiding place, Heavenly host, High tower. I Immanuel, Ideal, Instructor, Infallible, Inspiring, Insightful, Immaculate, Innocent, Intercessor, Immortal, Incarnate J Jesus, Jehovah Girah, Joy, Jubilation, Judge K King of Kings, Kingdom, Kindred, Kindness, King of the Jews, Keeper L Lamb of God, Lord of all, Light, Love, Loving, Life-giving, Living, Living water, Listener, Lion of the tribe of Judah M Magnificent, Messenger, Master, Mediator, Messiah, Morning star, Majesty, Man of sorrows N Near, Nazarene O Overcomer, Omnipotent, Omnipresent P Pacifist, Patient, Present, Persevering, Perceiver, Prince of peace, Powerful, (Our) Promise, Pure, Peaceful, Paschal Lamb, Preacher, Physician, Prophet, Provider, Passionate, Powerful, Perfect, Praised Q Qualified, Quick to understand R Radiant, Radical, Rabbi, Redeeming, Righteous, Revelation, Rock, Relentless, Resilient, Real, Resurrected, Revelator, Root of David, Ransom for many, Refiner, Refuge, Reward, Revered, Rose from the dead. S Strong, Sweet, Savior, Salvation, Sacrificed, Slain, Son of Man, Son of God, Spirit, Sinless, See-er, Sword-bearer, Shepherd, Sharing, Sought, Sanctified, Sincere, Spotless, Shield, Shelter, Song, Strong tower, Steadfast, Sun of Righteousness, Servant T (Of the) Trinity, Truth, Teacher, Trusting, True vine, True light, Treasure, Triumphant, Transfigured U Upright, Unequaled, Unparalleled V Valiant, Victorious, Valued, Virtuous, Virgin birth, Very present help in trouble, (The) Vine W Worthy, Wonderful, Welcoming, Warrior, Witness, Word, (The) Way, Well of living water, Wise X Of the Cross Y Yielding, Yahweh Z Zealous 2/7/23 n.j. May your week be blessed and may you fully know how much you are valued and loved by the One who gave His life for you. Photo courtesy of Syed Raza, Vecteezy.com |
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